Be in the top 25% of small businesses…
New survey released
Would you believe as many as 75% of small businesses in Australia still DO NOT have a website. This statistic has remained constant for around the last 5 years. So in Australia the online space is still wide open for business owners to step up and take their place online. For some this might be a risk to stretch outside of your comfort zone, but we’re here to help you every step of the way. With over 11.6 million household and business internet subscribers in Australia as of December 2011, and nearly 51.48% of Australian population on Facebook its a great time to take your next step online.
Here’s a recent article Surfing on the web: way to go by Sam Hutchinson from the FinReview. I was interviewed, as well as two of our small business website Magicdust eShop Clients, Kye Fitzgerald from Raised by Wolves and Jacqueline Harvey from Complete Kids Party.
I personally make it my purpose to assist and educate people about the internet and have empowered our team to do the same. Nothing thrills us more that talking to creative entrepreneurs and discovering ways to bring your intentions into reality.
So wherever you are at, there is a next logical step…take a risk and take that step!
Here’s a recommended article on why we are considered one of the most reputable web design companies servicing Melbourne.